One of the key points to remember when photographing the moon is exposing for daylight and adjusting shutter speeds to allow for the rotation or movement of the moon. You will need to use manual exposure since your camera's meter will see the darkness of night and often lead to a photo without any definition in the moon. It will also be important to set your camera on manual focus since the camera may have problem finding something on which to focus.
For camera that allow you to go manual.
FYI: apps like manual camera and procam allow manual photography on iphone.
apps like proshot and open camera allow manual photography on androids
Manual Focus--using infinity setting
Moon is moving so maintain high shutter speed
Tripod recommended.
Start by exposing for daylight.
Exposing for daylight.
Use the Luney 11 photography for photographing the moon at night.
Luney 11 rule
Aperture at f11
Shutter speed = 1/ISO
Manual focus at infinity.
Translation of this rule --best for 1/2 moon and 3/4 full moon
Aperture; f11
Shutter Speed = 1/400
ISO: 400
Manual focus: infinity
If the moon is super full like pink moon.
Aperture: f16
Shutter Speed = 1/400
ISO: 400
Manual Focus: infinity
If your photos are too dark or too dark, use exposure compensation (+/-) . By using the compensation button you will lighten (+1) or darken (-1) your image.
For cell phone and camera that do not allow you to go manual.
See if the camera has a handheld nighttime landscape, moon, HDR or sunset mode.
If not
Flash: Cut off flash.
Focus: Manual focus or make sure the focus box is on the moon. Zoom in if possible . Light Meter: if you can change it change it to spot meter. (may have to be in P mode)
Exposure Compensation (EV): +/- : +1 lightens photo -1 darkens photo
below photo is not perfectly clear but shot on program mode with point and shoot.

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